Will you lose your SSDI benefits if you get married or re-married? How about SSI - are the rules different?
As I discuss in this video, a marriage will not impact your #SSDI benefits because those benefits are based on your earning record. You worked and paid into the system and now that you are disabled you are drawing benefits on your own Social Security account.
In the case of #SSI, however, a marriage or re-marriage could negatively impact your benefit amount. In may circumstances, Social Security will look at your household earnings to evaluate your eligibility for SSI. Income and sometimes property earned or owned by your spouse can be “deemed” to you, meaning that SSA assume you have access to these funds or assets. You SSI benefits can be reduced or eliminated by these deeming rules.
If you are a disabled person receiving SSI, you should definitely check with a CPA or an elder law attorney for advice about whether the deeming rules will affect you. #SSI #deemingrules #ssdi #effectofmarriageonssdi #effectofmarriageonssi #differencebetweenssdiandssi #socialsecuritydisability
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Jonathan Ginsberg
Social Security Disability Attorney
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Will You Lose Your SSDI or SSI if You Get Married
social security disabilitydisability attorneysJonathan Ginsbergssdi ssidisability benefitsbenefits for people with disabilitiesdisability benefits - social securitysocial security disability requirementsevidence of disabilitymarriage and ssdimarriage and ssisocial security disability benefitsssi deeming rulesssi and marriagesocial security benefits 2018