Whether you've got lower back pain, sciatic nerve pain down the back of your leg (sciatica), or pain deep in your buttock or glute- many folks are told to try spinal decompression or lumbar traction to help relieve the pressure or compression within their spine. So, "Dr. Charlie, What are your thoughts on spinal decompression?"
Whether you're told you have a herniated disc or spinal stenosis or sciatica or Piriformis Syndrome or some other issue in your lower back... spinal decompression is a hot topic as far as treatment options go.
Here are my thoughts...
1- If you're going to do spinal decompression... don't fall for the "it's going to take 15 visits until it starts working" stuff. If a treatment is going to work- it's going to work immediately. Test (find something yucky)... do decompression, then retest. The change should be instant. If no better (same)... I'd move on.
2. If spinal decompression is so good... why would you add exercises alongside it? Chiropractors, physical therapists, and other people who offer decompression to resolve your back, butt/piriformis, or sciatica pain... will claim that decompression works wonders... only to provide a whole host of other treatments in combination (because they're really not sure). Find the ONE thing that works... and multiply it.
3. Evidence is scattered around the effects of lumbar traction or spinal decompression. Does it pull on your legs and skin and back- probably... but is it enough to cause a meaningful change that lasts once you stand back up and gravity pops back in the picture? Probably not.
4. Decompression creates dependency. If you're in pain- do you really want to have to rely on someone else or some machine long term to resolve your pain? Your choice- but NOT me! At least with an inversion table, you're able to treat yourself from the comfort of your own home. If you find that decompression helps- ask yourself this... How long do I want to rely on this thing? And how much does this teach me about resolving this issue LONG term? (and the real answer is... it doesn't teach you much)
5. Decompression is NON-specific. Meaning, it can't target only this or that disc... it's pulling on everything within your pelvis, trunk, and hips. There's no way to target treatment at fixing a certain disc or "problem" area. Try viewing decompression as an input. Take the concept of what it does and see if you can devise a self treatment strategy that mimics its effect. Make sense?
At the end of the day... follow what feels good, but stay scientific and bring things back to basic logic.
#drcharliejohnsonpt #decompress #herniateddisc #sciatica #sciaticapainrelief #sciaticatreatment #backpain #backpainrelief #backpaintreatment #lowerbackpain #piriformissyndrome #lumbartraction
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My HONEST Thoughts on Spinal Decompression or Lumbar Traction
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