There are many things that happen when one established eye contact and many things that happen when one does not. Like the chest belt, eye contact transports people back to a time when they were drilling technique. It starts the ball rolling for breathing, calming, formulating, and locks out many distractions. If the psychology is bad then many people have a tendency to avoid eye contact whether they are speaking, listening or delivering a speech. It is often perceived poorly by whoever sees it so heightens anxiety and puts more pressure but, once harnessed, it can be used to your benefit.
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How does EYE CONTACT help overcome STUTTERING?
stutterstammersolutionstutteringstammeringfixcurestopovercomecontrolfluentfluencyblockblockingrepetitionssubstitutionremedyparentmotherfathermanagespeakbetterstutteredstammeredpausepausinggaspingticksholding backtherapytreatmentmcguire programmeSTARTpracticespeechvoiceproperlycommunicatetechniquebasicanxietynervoustipstricksconfidenceexercisesstarfishstrategiestoolscoachmindsetcostal breathingarticulatechilddisorderimpedimentskills