Flail mower EURO MINI is a professional machine for green agriculture and public areas. It is ideal for cutting grass and bushes on abandoned, uncultivated and other green areas, cutting material till 4 cm in diameter. According to its technical characteristics it is suitable for smaller tractors (Kubota, Iseki, AGT, Carraro, Holder and so on). Its light weight allows simple running and low power requirement. EURO MINI is equipped with hammers in standard equipment, or with Y-blades as an option. Rear discharge is behind the rear roller, protected with rubber guard. Mechanical offsetting is in standard equipment, while a hydraulic offsetting is optional. Special 3-point hitch with movable bracket on the top allows combi - front or rear mounting with simple change of the position. Incorporated double spiral rotor with 45% distribution of working blades requires less operating energy, flail mower works evenly, bearings and other components are less loaded.
Flail mower INO Brežice EURO MINI
mulcherflail mowermulčerМУЛЬЧЕРЫ-ИЗМЕЛЬЧИТЕЛИeuro minoino mowerino mulcherino eurotaruptarupiranjevegetable managementSchlegelmäherorchardsvineyardsmunicipaltractorreversible tractorpasqualireversible pasqualiкосилкаflail mowersino mowersINO BREŽICEINO BREZICEresturi vegetalecositoareSchlegelmulcher