Before year 2000 mapping of Lonsum estates simply used theodolite. Since then BLRS started to implement GIS technology for a precision-agriculture concept. Methods of GIS mapping evolved with the dynamics of the technology: use of remote-sensing imageries to draw estate blocks (2004), photos taken by piloted aircraft (2010) and use of more effective and efficient UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle – drone/ copter and fixed wing) since 2015. Currently use of GIS by the mapping section of BLRS covers various plantation research purposes such as soil survey for new oil palm development, pest/ disease monitoring, identification of superior seed palms, palm counting, spatial analysis for Ganoderma disease distribution and flood analysis/ drainage design. As estate practices the use includes production of 3-D maps of all estate blocks, monitoring field work progress or tracing trucks carrying bunches from the estate to mill, validation of BAPP, cadastral survey (land bank, HGU, road design, HCV mapping) and estate infrastructure/ mill design. The section also develops WebGIS to assist integrated data use and interpretation – not only in the forms of spreadsheet, tables or graphs – but also in thematic maps to easily monitor field progress up to block scale for more efficient and remote decision-making by the top management.
BLRS (Bah Lias Research Station)/ Sumatra Bioscience belongs to PT. PP. London Sumatra Indonesia Tbk (Lonsum), operated since late 1970’s by carrying out various field and lab trials, and advising Lonsum estates in Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi and Java. The commodities of research interest so far include the main plantation crops viz. oil palm, rubber, cocoa, tea as well some ad-hoc crops such as citronella grass, maize, cassava, chilli, onion and cattle. BLRS research and advisory services cover specific areas of agronomy particularly fertiliser/ manuring, pest/ disease/ weeds management, GIS/ mapping, data management and plant breeding (incl. tissue culture and genomics research). To disseminate the knowledge and to contribute to the nation BLRS provides various plantation products such as oil palm germinated seeds/ seedlings, bio-pesticides, laboratory analysis services/ fertiliser recommendation and plantation advisories for planters/ smallholders.
Sebelum tahun 2000’an pemetaan kebun Lonsum umumnya menggunakan theodolite. Dalam rangka precision-agriculture, BLRS telah menerapkan teknologi GIS. Metode pemetaan kebun mengikuti dinamika perkembangan teknologi: menggunakan citra satelit (2004), foto udara menggunakan pesawat kecil berpilot (2010), dan sejak tahun 2015 menggunakan pesawat nir-awak (drone/ copter dan fixed wing) yang lebih efisien dan efektif. Saat ini pemanfaatan GIS oleh seksi Pemetaan BLRS makin meluas mencakup bidang riset seperti survey tanah untuk pengembangan kebun, monitoring hama/ penyakit, identifikasi pohon induk unggul, penghitungan jumlah pokok hidup/ mati di semua blok tanam, analisa spasial sebaran penyakit Ganoderma serta analisa banjir/ jalur drainase. Penggunaan praktis di kebun mencakup produksi peta 3-dimensi untuk semua kebun, monitoring kerja kebun/ kontraktor, validasi BAPP (berita acara pemeriksaan pekerjaan), survey kadastral (ganti rugi lahan, HGU, desain jalan/ teras, penentuan areal HCV), merancang infrastruktur kebun/ pabrik dan monitoring perjalanan truk buah ke pabrik (menggunakan GPS). Seksi pemetaan juga mengembangkan WebGIS yang menampilkan data kebun secara terpadu – tidak hanya dalam bentuk spreadsheet, tabel atau grafik – tapi juga dalam bentuk thematic maps guna memudahkan monitoring pada skala blok dan juga mempercepat decision-making oleh top management pusat.
BLRS (Bah Lias Research Station)/ Sumatra Bioscience adalah departemen riset milik PT. PP. London Sumatra Indonesia Tbk (Lonsum) yang mulai beroperasi sejak akhir tahun 1970’an dengan melakukan percobaan/ penelitian lapangan serta memberi advisory untuk kebun-kebun Lonsum di Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi and Jawa. Komoditi yang diteliti mencakup kelapa sawit, karet, kakao dan teh; belakangan juga meneliti jagung, ubi kayu, serai wangi, cabai dan ternak sapi. Bidang penelitian dan advisory BLRS mencakup agronomi terutama pemupukan, pengendalian hama/ penyakit/ gulma, pemetaan/ GIS, manajemen data serta pemuliaan tanaman (termasuk kultur jaringan dan genomic). Dalam rangka transfer teknologi dan memajukan iklim perkebunan nasional maka BLRS juga menyediakan berbagai produk seperti kecambah kelapa sawit, produk-produk pengendalian hama (hayati), jasa laboratorium/ rekomendasi pupuk serta jasa konsultasi perkebunan.
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BLRS#05. Teknologi Pemetaan/ GIS di Perkebunan
sawitppksperkebunanastrasinarmasdamimasasianagrisocfinsocfindotopasbibitkelapa sawitkaretGISgeografigeographycensortreesindofoodindomieindoagrisriwijayatania selatandronetunggal yunusUAVFR1FR2yangambisimalungundumpymappingmapsurveyAARPTPNGanodermaplant diseasecensusoryctespestratreplantingRAPPaustindowilmarplantationoil palmsampoerna Agrotechnologyremote censingmondelezdanoneunileverbayerpesticidescienceresearchplantelaeis