The Cold War seems like a time long ago, but it defined the 20th century with its ideological battles and countless wars. One of the forgotten wars of this era is the Korean War that was fought between North Korea -- which was supported by China and the Soviet Union -- and South Korea that was supported by a combined force of the United Nations.
The Korean War is the reason we have two countries in the Korean Peninsula today separated by the 38th parallel line. The Korean War killed millions of people, including close to three million civilian casualties. This war shaped the region into what it is today, and here are some bizarre stories no one told you about the Korean War.
#War #History #Korea
Psychotic spymaster decided the outcome | 0:00
Tootsie Rolls saved the day | 1:25
GIs said they fought UFO | 2:50
The Korean flag war | 3:57
Tree almost sparked second war | 4:58
Forced to star in movies | 6:13
North Korea kidnapped thousands | 7:31
America's awkward apology | 8:46
U.S. threatened to use nukes | 9:59
Excessive death toll for decades | 11:11
Imaginary king might be key | 12:05
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Bizarre Things No One Told You About The Korean War
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