Narges, a nomadic mother living in the harsh and cruel mountains, has a story full of pain and suffering. She has struggled with poverty and loneliness since childhood. Her parents died at a young age, leaving her alone. This great loss placed a heavy burden on Narges and led her into a world full of difficult challenges. Narges married a man she had trusted in the hope of building a better life. But her husband's betrayal and abandonment of Narges and the children left a deeper wound in her heart. She was forced to live with her children in difficult conditions and without any support. Lack of rent and financial problems led her to the point where she was forced to leave her home and take refuge in the mountains. In these cold and cruel mountains, Narges is trying to build a shelter for her children. She is building a cave with her own hands that can protect them from storms and rain. Every day she faces new challenges; torrential rains and severe storms threaten her life and put her in a difficult situation. But Narges never gives up. She continues to live with love and hope, and teaches her children to withstand hardship. Empathy and support from the community can give her and her family renewed hope. Narges is a symbol of perseverance and hope, and her story can inspire many. We can help her and her children build a better life in this difficult world.
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