Champion Trading Corporation is one of America's oldest, family owned used equipment dealers specializing in processing and packaging equipment for foods, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, chemicals and allied industries since 1906.
In this video we're demonstrating an all stainless steel 10" wide x 17.5' long table top chain conveyor at our New Jersey facility.
Stainless Steel table top chain conveyor
used machineryused equipmentprocessing machineryused and rebuilt machinerywww.champtrading.comwww.championtrading.comchampion Tradingchampion trading corporationchampion trading corpstainless steel conveyortable top chain conveyorbottle conveyorstainless steel table top chain conveyorconveyorall stainless steel conveyorused conveyorpackagingpackage conveyorgarveyarrowheadkleenlineportable conveyor