Yosemite Valley by Bike
In our opinion, exploring the valley of Yosemite National Park by bike is the best way to see it. There are miles of clearly marked trails. Many of the trails are paved, and the others are packed dirt. If bikes are not allowed, it is clearly marked.
A place in the park does rent bikes, but not electric bikes. Watch the signs on the trails because some places have a steeper grade, and it is marked that rented bikes aren't allowed on that part of the trail. In the spring on weekdays, you probably won't have a problem renting a bike, but it may be a problem on weekends. Also, during warmer weather, it is harder to rent a bike because they are all rented.
The Ahwahnee luxury hotel in the park may rent electric bikes, but their bikes may just be for guests of the hotel. If you have your own bike, you will want to bring it with you to Yosemite. If you don't have one or cannot bring your own, you can try to rent one.
One of the reasons you will want a bike is because you are able to get as close to the attractions as you get by riding a shuttle. Personally, we loved being at Yosemite at the very end of April and first of May. We weren't alone, but the park was not crowded. Again, the earlier you arrive, the fewer people you will see.
Some of the paved trails are actually roads that have been closed except to pedestrians and bikes.
Riding through the park is an absolute joy.
We dearly loved having the bikes with us. It was a definite game changer. We rode at least 10 miles each day, and some days we rode more than 15 miles.
Yosemite Valley by Bike
rvingRV basicrv 101two tired teachersrv helprv how tobegin rvriding a bike through Yosemite National Park is a great way to see the parkpaved trails that used to be roadsrenting a bike at Yosemiteriding a bike allows you to get as close to attractions as taking a shuttle doesDuring summer and on weekends all the rental bikes may be rentedriding our bikes in the valley of Yosemite National Park was a joy