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primal farcasting hybrid blitz barrage sparc mac nightmarerh no1s perfect grand exchange ge g.e pking video pk vid runescape dds ddos combo glitch dupe boss bossing switching prod gear soul wars clan wars pest control barrows jad fight caves minigames monsters skilling lol noob nub newb nerd gf gg ffs wow
New runescape private server 2012 need staff may june april march july 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 july june august september sparc mac nightmarerh zezima elvemage kids ranqe wildy owns1 range of ish defil3d dish0nor pure pking hybrid hybridding pker pk brid torva virtus pernix korasi dicing dice game flower gamble gambling zone spawn eco economy server soulsplit turmoil barrage blitz burst rush pj pjer pjing lol lmao lmfao rofl ok thanks thx ftw gf gg stfu we need staff forums webclient chat skype owner admin mod moderators jagex lmao lmfao owned dang rofl gf whip vengeance luring clan hacking scamming clan wars fist of guthix bounty hunter pvp castle wars quests skillcape sc f2p p2p ownage mage pure high level crater low level med lvl delay runescape pk vid subscribe rate comment new update! D claws corrupt dragon battle axe d mace d long d scimmy scim skim pking Runescape f2p pking runescape f2p pking runescape f2p pking runescape f2p pking runescape f2p pking runescape p2p pking runescape p2p pking runescape bh pure runescape pure pking runescape range/2h pure runescape range/g maul pure runescape pking rushing claws fury firecape barrows void maxed zerker range tank spec own3d tyvm dimondowner ftw hybrid tank addy arrows BLOODHOUN34 rune scim santa hat phat party hats white purple green yellow blue red h'ween masks jagex kids ranqe drake dfs pking summoning tank def pure tb teleblock max hits dharoks green098 wizzy t glitch dm wow safer safe safing king range 2h ne-yo 50 cent sharkia rihanna brutal deth sqkuid ward best obby mauler ever robin hood hat edgeville varrock falador fally lumby pking 1 iteming ancient magic dt desert treasure monkey madness lost city skiller pure main tank banned muted bind snare enjoy vid dragon claws dds++ dragon darts rune knives mage bow dark bow rune c'bow obby maul granite maceRunescape rs range 2h rune scim b axe battle axe dds dragon dagger 2h d claws dragon claws Ags bgs ss sara sword godsword whip vesta corrupt dragon Zezima elvemage dish0nor defil3d str pks alot wildy owns1 99 strength 99 range 99 attack 99 defence 99 magic 99 range 99 prayer 99 hitpoints High crater low crater med crater jagex range of ish pk vid 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 bh bs runescape pking f2p p2p team cape tank ownage amazing combos d bow dark bow magic short bow msb santa hat phat white purple blue yellow green mask k dfh d claws rushing maxed pure zerker range/dds/g maul zezima rs runescape range of ish ishy bad boy elvewatford p2p f2p non member omfg fury! hween mask kids ranqe 1 defence jagex comment wild pker phat lure bloodhoun34 fire cape banned muted pker Krazyfaken intiate pure range 99 str 99 range 99 attack 99 cooking 99 firemaking 99 woodcutting 99 defence 99 hp 99 summoning 99 hunter 99 construction 99 magic 99 prayer 99 mining pk vid ownage great combos dueling vid fist of guthic clan wars best clan ts ob godsword pk max hits on runescape andrew gonerwildy gone never coming back soz wolfex17 view suscribe comment rate purple orange black blue red green yellow p hat i kasoy i dragon 2h corrupt rune quest guides barrows free runescape account gold skilling training guides ownage runescape quickly 2h ownage delaying pro d claws ags rune battle axe dds g maul granite maul obby maul combos dark bow pking twin ownage hybrid torva virtus pernix primal korasi free staff join now hybridding commentary wildy owns1 how to make a rsps subscribe range 2h clans drop party giveaway dice game dicing need staff 2012 april may june 2013 614 525 317 free accounts ruinedscape impulse addictivepkz runescape pure main dds claw torso fighter fire cape jad chaotic korasi barrows gloves fury berserker ring i pking rush barrage recipe for disaster lunar diplomacy lost city monkey madness desert treasure good luck admin moderator mod administrator owner donator donate status free
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