Die IORE Doppellok 101 Polcirkeln - 102 Malmberget der MTAB Erzbahn (Tochterunternehmen des Bergbauunternehmens LKAB "Luossavaara-Kiirunavaara Aktiebolag") zieht einen Eisenerzzug von der Mine in Kiruna, durch den Bahnhof in Kiruna in Richtung Luleå an der Ostseeküste. Diese Doppelloks zählen zu den stärksten Elektroloks weltweit.
Two single-ended Co′Co′ locomotives type IORE (from iron ore) from the MTAB (Malmtrafik i Kiruna AB - the Swedish railway company operating iron ore freight trains on the Ore Line and the Ofoten Line; MTAB is part of the LKAB mining company) pulling an ore train on the Southern Circuit through the station of Kiruna (there's one of the mines) towards the port of Luleå at the Baltic Sea. The double heading IORE locomotives, each part with 7,200 hp, 600 kilonewtons tractive force and maximum speed of 50 mph, normally pull 2,460 ft long, 8,600-tonne, 68-car trains and are one of the strongest electric locomotives in the world.
LKAB Iore 101/102 mit Erzzug in Kiruna