Catarina Miranda, PhD student at the Max Planck Institute for Ornithology and the International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) for Organismal Biology investigates the effects urbanization has on the personality and the physiology of birds. Are differences between urban and forest birds due to microevolutionary changes or a result of phenotypic plasticity?
How do birds cope with urbanization? IMPRS
Max Planck SocietyMax-Planck-GesellschaftMPGMPSIMPRSUniversity of KonstanzUniversität Konstanzbirdsornithologyamselblackbirdphdgrad schoolorganismal biologyphd programgermanyradolfzellmpimax planck instituteurbanizationpersonalityphysiologymicroevolutionevolutionphenotypic plasticityBird (Organism Classification)animal behaviorbehavioral experiments