The Exile travels to Nar Shadda, moon of Nal Hutta. Dense with life, finding anyone here, even force sensitives will prove difficult. Atton assures the crew that no one will be able to locate them there...
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#StarWars #KOTOR2 #Expandeduniverse
Nar Shaddaa Arrival (Male Exile)
Star WarsStarWarsknightsoftheoldrepublicknights of the old republic 2KOTORKOTOR 2Sith LordsSithLordsNarShaddaaHuthuttNalHuttaArrivaltravelgoingtoarrivingarrivesG0-T0AttonRandKreiaVisasMarrHandmaidenBriannaBao-DurBao-DurBaoRefugeeSectormeetingyachtwithbountyhuntersHK-50sisterstwi'lektroublelandingpadtrashheepheapredeclipsepaysHanharrzukobrothers