This is second video on cmputer organization and design in this video we will discuss about functional unit in computer which is a major componennt in computers .The input unit,output unit,memory unit is also been described in the video.The control unit defination and arithemetic and logic processing defination is also discuss in the video please do watch and leave a comment about ho is the video what are the factors that you understood or you didnt understand just leave a comment below.
What are the major components of computer
basic computer systemcomputer unitcomponents of computer systemmemory unitarithemetic and logic unitcontrol unit in computerbasic parts of computerbasic structure and computer functionstorage unit of computer memorymajor components of computerdifferent unit of computer systemlearn computer basicsbasic compnents of computer system5 major components of computer systemmain function of computer sytemwhat are the functions of computers