This is the story of the creation of man and women. Good and Evil -Temptation and greed.
God created an extraordinary garden in Eden. He filled the garden with beautiful trees & animals And there he placed man and woman together.
In the middle of the garden was the tree of life. An enticing tree with the most glorious fruit..
God commanded the man & woman, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden, but you must not eat from the tree of life. For when you eat from it, you will certainly die”.
One of the creatures God created, the serpent, was more crafty than the other animals.
With its glimmering skin and slinky seductive ways, the serpent spies his pray.
And well, we all know what happens to Adam and Eve...
Huge thanks to everyone who contributed to this piece. And a massive shoutout to my Adam & Eve, played by Hyper & Tink Hamlet.
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Tink - @tink_d
Hyper - @hyperhamlet
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