MBBS 2nd year final exams. This is how Vidhi's day looks like. This video has everything - Studying, College, Stay-over, Snacking, and more.. Hope you guys enjoy this.
Abida's Instagram - @abida.nahid_officially
Vidhi's Instagram - @itsnotvidhi
Shivam's Instagram - @shivamkhare_music
Abida's geeky jewellery collection - www.instagram.com/supergeeks.india
| Vidhi | Student | Niece |
| Abida | Consultant | Aunt |
| Shivam | Musician | Uncle |
A day in my life | MBBS Students Edition *honest*
mbbs2nd yearMBBS examsMBBS studentcollege lifedoctorbecoming a doctorhealthy snackshealthsnackingstudyinggroup studycollege postingMBBS postingspharmamicropathpharmacologymicrobiologypathologyMBBS vivamalldelhihimsrhamdard institute of medical collegeprivate collegegovernment collegeattendance shortdlf promenadebig bosscheatingmedical studentmedical sciences