THESE ARE NOT MY BEST CLIPS - ONLY MY FAVOURITE. So yeah, I figured I would do some sort of video for you guys to show you what my favourite clips of this year were. I don't think all my bangers are considered the "best", so therefore they weren't included in this. Hope you enjoy anyway!
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My Top 10 Favourite Clips of 2014
FavouriteTopBestClipsyear2014New yearMontageSnipingQuickscopingMinitageLeftoversKillstreakStreakingFaZeObeySoaRPamajRainApexPredatorZzirGrizzAdvanced WarfareBlack Ops 2GhostsMw3Mw2Cod4Black OpsCod3Cod2CodGameplayCommentaryLivecomCompetitiveOpTicCall DutyZombiesMultiplayerClanRecruitment ChallengeRed ReserveTeamtageDaytageWeektageInsaneAwesomeCoolCrazyAmazingTrickshottingFeedingKillfeed5on6on7onQuad FeedHeadshot