Knowing how to spot a fake or authentic designer handbag can be very overwhelming and scary! Today I'm going to share 7 of my top tips on how to spot a fake LV bag.
*All bags shown are authentic*
*To shop available authentic pre-loved items shown, head to now!
1. Print - The LV Monogram Print is very important to consider when trying to determine if a bag is real. The LV flowers should meet at the seams, be evenly spaced out and the color should be a light golden tan. Most counterfeits have a green tint to them.
2. Date Code- Each LV bag has a birthday, or formally known as a "Date Code". The code will be found on a leather tab inside a pocket, seam or corner. The first two letters indicate the country it was made and the numbers following are the week and year. The first and third numbers are the week, and the second and fourth are the year. For example if the date code on your bag was SA4200 it would indicate that your bag was made in France on the 40th week of 2020.
3. Stitching- On the front of LV leather chaps there is usually only 5 stitches. Those stitches are always evenly spread out and made of a thick and consistent three.
4. Hot Stamp- Pay attention to the "O" and the "T" in name printed in the hot stamp. You want to make sure the "O" is round not oval like the number "0". Also for the "T" you want to make sure that they are not that far apart from each other. The hot stamp should be a proportionate rectangle shape. Most counterfeit bags will have a very linear hot stamp.
5. Hardware- The LV hardware is a vintage brass that has a green undertone. Make sure you look for hardware that isn't too yellow. On vintage pieces the hardware is usually just an "LV", and on newer pieces its "Louis Vuitton". There are different variations of this now tho too.
6. Smell/Touch- You never should smell plastic or harsh chemicals on your bag! This is a huge indicator that the bag is counterfeit.
7. Price- If the price of the bag is only $50 most of the time its counterfeit. If its "too good to be true" it most likely is!
#authentic #authenticity #designerbabe
*I am not affiliated with any of the brands shown. These tips are just from my own training and experience. Designer Arm Candy is a licensed reseller of authentic pre-owned designer handbags and accessories."
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