The recent visit of Prime Minister Modi to Tamil Nadu was focused on development. During his visit, he also made a trip to Lakshadweep. The purpose of the visit was clear from the start — initiating and inaugurating various development projects in both regions. In Tamil Nadu, the Prime Minister took a keen interest in launching projects worth more than 20,000 crores rupees. One of the key highlights of his visit to Tamil Nadu was the inauguration of a new terminal at the Trichy airport. Yet, the Prime Minister's visit was not confined to launching new developments. He equally addressed the recent unprecedented rainfall in South Tamil Nadu which led to severe floods, showing empathy for the local community and offering assistance where needed. #PMModi #TamilNadu #DevelopmentProjects #TrichyAirport #Lakshadweep #SouthTamilNaduFloods #6pmprime #akshitanandagopal
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