'The Voyage' is an animated film created by ABP to tell the story of how we will achieve a more sustainable future through the eyes of a girl who progresses through different stages of her life and maritime career, whilst witnessing and helping deliver various green infrastructure projects, enabled by ABP's ports. She encounters seals and kittiwakes as she sails towards a greener tomorrow.
ABP is the UK’s leading ports group, with 21 ports and other transport related businesses, creating a unique national network capable of handling a vast array of cargo. We are redefining what Keeping Britain Trading means in the greener, cleaner economy.
Find out more by downloading our sustainability strategy, Ready for Tomorrow, which sets out our plan to reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions from our own operations by 2040: [ Ссылка ]
We are driving growth, contributing £7.5 billion to the UK economy every year and supporting over 119,000 jobs. Find out more about our current job vacancies and apply: [ Ссылка ]
#ReadyForTomorrow #KeepingBritainTrading #Sustainability #MaritimeCareers
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