Video prikazuje iskustvo provedbe Švicarsko-hrvatskog programa suradnje, odnosno natječaja usmjerenih organizacijama civilnoga društva koje je proveo Ured za udruge Vlade Republike Hrvatske.
U okviru Švicarsko-hrvatskog programa suradnje, Ured za udruge Vlade Republike Hrvatske djeluje kao Posredničko tijelo i Izvršna agencija za projekte čiji je cilj promicanje doprinosa civilnog društva gospodarskoj i društvenoj koheziji, kroz darovnicu u vrijednosti 5,28 milijuna CHF, te za projekte kojima je cilj promicanje partnerstva i bilateralne suradnje hrvatskih i švicarskih neprofitnih organizacija, putem darovnice vrijedne 2,2 milijuna CHF.
Više o natječajima i ugovorenim projektima potražite na stranicama Ureda za udruge: [ Ссылка ]
The video shows the experience of the implementation of the Swiss - Croatian Cooperation Programme, and the Calls for Proposals for civil society organisations published by the Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs.
The Swiss-Croatian Cooperation Programme is part of the continuation of Swiss solidarity in sharing efforts with the EU aiming at reducing of economic and social disparities in the youngest EU member state. Signing the Framework Agreement is a joint result of the work of the Croatian Government led by the Ministry of Regional Development and EU funds and the Swiss Federal Council acting through the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO).
The Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs is the Intermediate Body and the Executive Agency within the Swiss-Croatian Cooperation Programme for projects aiming to promote the contribution of civil society organisations to economic and social cohesion through a Block Grant worth 5,28 million CHF, and for projects promoting partnerships and bilateral cooperation of Croatian and Swiss non-profit organisations through a Block Grant worth 2,2 million CHF.
More details on the Calls and contracted projects can be found on the web site of the Government Office for Coopertion with NGOs: [ Ссылка ]
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