"Los Seises de Sevilla" is a short documentary created by Paulist Fr. Thomas Kane that depicts a centuries-old liturgical dance tradition in Seville, Spain. The footage was captured at a Eucharistic Congress in the 1990s.
St. John Paul II is seen at the end of this video.
This is part of Fr. Kane's collection "The Dancing Church Around the World":
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"Los Seises de Sevilla" (1996)
SevilleSevillaLos Seises de SevillaEucharistic Congress1996Pope John Paul IISt. John Paul IISt. John Paulliturgical dancedancedancingliturgyCathedralThomas KaneFr. Thomas KanePaulistPaulistsPaulist FathersCatholicCatholic ChurchChurchprayerGodEucharistic AdorationCorpus ChristiBody of ChristJesusJesus ChristHoly Spiritfaithspirituality