An elderly couple sells home-cooked food from a tiny stall named Baba ka Dhaba in Delhi’s Malviya Nagar. They earn very little money with that, they buy food for the next day’s menu. They have done this for 30 years. On 7th October a blogger Gaurav Wasan, shared a video of 80-year-old Kanta Prasad and Badami Devi in which they spoke about their struggles during the COVID-19 crisis. This video went viral across the Internet.
In the video, Prasad said he and his wife Badami Devi start cooking at 6.30 am and are ready with the food by 9.30 am. Dal, curry, parathas, and rice were kept in large dishes, ready to serve for around Rs. 30-50 a plate. When Wasan asked Kanta Prasad how much he has earned today, Prasad broke down and showed Rs. 10 notes from a box. In four hours he could earn only about Rs. 50. A tearful Prasad said they never made huge profits. But during the pandemic, it was even more difficult to earn money. It was a very bad time for them. The couple gets no help from their children - two sons and a daughter.
When the video went viral, everyone began sharing the video on their Instagram and Twitter encouraging people to visit Baba ka Dhaba and support the couple’s business. Many have offered to help the couple financially and others have announced plans for lunch at Baba Ka Dhaba. Many celebrities and sports persons shared posts on social media to support them. The next day there were lots of customers at the Dhaba. Kanta Prasad said, “We are very happy with the number of customers coming now. We are grateful for the public support.” His wife added, “During the lockdown months we could not sell anything. We struggled to survive but today we have been flooded with customers. We want to give our blessings to all those who helped us.” This is an example of the power of social media bringing a smile to the face.
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