In this episode, we’re going to talk about the how to calibrate calipers.
In past Mitutoyo Metrology Training Lab episodes, we have defined the concept of calibration, discussed the purpose of calibration, and introduced important aspects of what makes a good calibration method. In this episode, we will apply all those ideas to the calibration method for a caliper.
Calibration is a search for errors and we want to develop a calibration method that efficiently hunts down and finds any potential errors in the measuring instrument. So how do we best do that for a caliper? Well, there is a nice American National Standard for digital, dial, and vernier calipers, called ASME B89.1.14, and the calibration method we’ll be discussing is based on that standard.
#Mitutoyo #CaliperCalibration #Metrology
Caliper Calibration - How to Calibrate a Caliper
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