April Fool's Day is an annual custom on April 1, consisting of practical jokes and hoaxes. Jokesters often expose their actions by shouting "April Fools!" at the recipient. The day is not a public holiday in any country except Odessa in Ukraine, where the first of April is an official city holiday. The custom of setting aside a day for playing harmless pranks upon one's neighbour has been relatively common in the world historically.
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April Fool's Day Origins.
In 1508, French poet Eloy d'Amerval, referred to a poisson d'avril (April fool, literally "April's fish"), possibly the first reference to the celebration in France. Some writers suggest that April Fools' originated because in the Middle Ages, New Year's Day was celebrated on March 25, in most European towns, with a holiday that in some areas of France, specifically, ended on April 1, and those who celebrated New Year's Eve on January 1 made fun of those who celebrated on other dates by the invention of April Fools' Day.
In 1561, Flemish poet Eduard de Dene wrote of a nobleman who sent his servants on foolish errands on April 1.
In the Netherlands, the origin of April Fools' Day is often attributed to the Dutch victory in 1572 at Brielle, where the Spanish Duke Álvarez de Toledo was defeated.
In 1686, John Aubrey referred to the celebration as "Fooles holy day", the first British reference. On April 1, 1698, several people were tricked into going to the Tower of London to "see the Lions washed".
Translated titles:
En este día-día de los inocentes-1 de abril
An diesem Tag-Aprilscherz-1. April
En ce jour-Journée du poisson d'avril-1er avril
Neste dia-Dia da Mentira-1º de abril
इस दिन-अप्रैल फूल दिवस-1 अप्रैल
În această zi-ziua păcălelilor de aprilie-1 aprilie
В этот день-День дураков-1 апреля.
On this day - April Fools day - April 1st
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