የ1990ዎቹ የኢትዮጵያ ሲኒማ ክስተት የሆነው ጉዲፈቻ ፊልም። ፊልሙ የተዘጋጀው በታዋቂው ዳይሬክተር ታጠቅ ታደሰ ሲሆን ማህበረሰባችን እንደ ታቦ፣ አይነኬ እና ገመና አርጎ የሚቆጥራቸውን ርዕሰ ጉዳዮች/ጉዳዮችን ይዳስሳል። የፊልም ተዋንያን ፍቃዱ ተ/ማርያም፣ በላይነሽ አመዴ፣ ፍቅርተ ጌታሁን፣ አለሙ ገብረአብ፣ ሲራክ ታደሰ እና ሀይማኖት አለሙን ጨምሮ ከዚህ ፊልም በፊት በቲያትር ቦታ ስማቸውን ያገኙ አርቲስቶችን ይዞል ። እናንዲሁም እንደ አርቲስት መሰረት መብራቴ እና ተስፉ በራህኔ በመሪነት ሚና ላይ እንዲጫወቱና ዝና እና ታውቂነትን እንዲያገኙ አስችሏቸዋል ።
n the third act of the movie Gudifecha, a witch doctor played by Munaye Menberu in a cameo role enters the frame with a shadow shot of her washing her hands in a deserted house while the main characters waited in silence behind the curtains. This scene captured the overall esthetics of the entire movie and was hauntingly crafted.
Gudifecha is a movie by the acclaimed director Tatek Tadesse set in early 1990s Addis Abeba. The movie explores topics/issues that our society considers as taboos, sacred and off-limits such as incest, class and religion with absolute mastery and ease. The movie cast includes veterans who made their name in the theater scene prior to this movie including Fekadu T/Mariam, Belaynesh Amede, Fekerte Getahun, Alemu Gebreab, Sirak Tadesse and Haymanot Alemu. And up and coming artists Meseret Mebrate and Tesfu Berahne in the lead roles.
The story revolves around Ato Meshesha, a patriarchal larger than life business man, his daughter Meron who is a 20 something university student at Addis Abeba University studying sociology and their adopted son Yosef who couldn’t get into university so is tasked with the day to day mundane chores around the house. As the story goes, the family doctor develops romantic feelings towards Meron and inquired if the feeling was mutual but to the utter dismay of the doctor, the feeling was not reciprocated. All the while Meron and Yosef were in hidden love affair which afterwards she got pregnant and telling their parents was the only option forward.
The story takes a massive turn when it’s revealed that Yosef was not actually their adopted son rather he was a child of an affair between Ato Meshesha and his wife’s sister whom we learn passed away with an unknown illness long ago. This incident makes the lovers siblings and cousins all at the same time. Ultimately abortion was the only option forward.
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