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Alvis (Rygjafylke): 00:00
Manning, Fighter of Wolves (Rygjafylke): 02:23
Jungulf (Ledecestrescire): 04:58
Fergal the Faceless (Grantebridgescire): 06:55
Chadwick, Monger of Gossip (East Anglia): 11:11
Hogg the Burly (Oxenefordscire): 12:50
Augusta the Cheerful (Lunden): 14:52
Ove the Scarred (Sciropescire): 17:10
Brother Quiescis (Cent): 19:28
Thor (Asgard): 23:02
Ratatosk (Jotunheim): 25:02
Lady Ellette (Essexe): 27:15
Hertha the Very High (Jorvik): 29:55
Borgild the Alewife´s Bane (Eurvicscire): 32:13
Stigr the Amorous (Snotinghamscire): 34:54
Fenn the Wistful (Hamtunscire): 37:22
#Assassin'sCreedValhalla #Gameplay #Walkthrough
All Flyting Challenges | Assassin's Creed Valhalla #83
Assassin's Creed ValhallaEivorFlytingAlvisRygjafylkeManningFighter of WolvesJungulfLedecestrescireFergal the FacelessGrantebridgescireChadwickMonger of GossipEast AngliaHogg the BurlyOxenefordscireAugusta the CheerfulLundenOve the ScarredSciropescireBrother QuiescisCentThorAsgardRatatoskJotunheimLady ElletteEssexeHertha the Very HighJorvikBorgild the Alewife´s BaneEurvicscireStigr the AmorousSnotinghamscireFenn the WistfulHamtunscire