Sri Senkamalavalli Thayar (Sri Mahalakshmi aka Cosmic Mother) Sarvalankara Seva at my Home Thirumaligai (Sanctum) during Navarathri Utsavam 2014 (Day 3). The accompanying is a Sanskrit Hymn on Sri Mahalakshmi (Cosmic Mother) and is presented by TTD Veda Pundits. There are many Sthotrams in praise of our Supreme Mother. "Chathussloki" of Swamy Alavanthar, "Sri Sthavam" of Swamy Kuresar, "Sri Lakshmi Gadyam" of Tirumalai Ananthazhwan and "Sri Sthuthi" of Swamy Desikan besides Sri Lakshmi Sahasram by Sri VenkatAdhri Kavi, Lakshmi AshtOttharam and Sahasra Naamam.
The images and clips used in this Video are of my Home Deities during Prayer Observance (Sanctum). The audio/sound recordings are used where ever necessary without any commercial intentions or monetary benefit according to "Fair Use" and mainly for educating audience into Vaishnavism, Dravida Vedam (Divyaprabandham), Works of Acharyas, Sanskrit Vedic Hymns, Shlokas, Mantras, Carnatic and Devotional music by providing visuals for better appreciation and for listening pleasure & spiritual realization. Most of the Shlokas, Mantras, Vedas and Divyaprabandhams are available in Public Domain and is recited in all Vaishnava Temples & 108 Divyadesams.
My Home Thirumaligai hosts Sriman Narayana with his Consorts Sridevi-Bhudevi, Sri Mahalakshmi , Sri Yoga Narasimha, Sri Lakshmi Narasimha, Sri Dolai Kannan (Bala Krishna), Sri Aandal, Sri Ram Parivar, Sri Ramanuja , Sri Manavalamamuni & Sri Satyanarayanaswamy. All Alangarams, Daily rituals (Thenkalai Nithyanusandhanam Sampradaya) and Kainkariyams are performed for the Lord including all auspicious events. Panchaparva Seva & Thirumanjanam (Holy Bath) is performed on Ekadesi, Amavasya, Purnima and when Revathi Star is in Ascendence.
The Śrī Sūkta uses the motifs of lotus (padma or kamala) and elephant (gaja) - symbols that are consistently linked with the goddess Śrī-Lakṣmī in later references. The lotus is thought to be symbolic of purity, beauty, spiritual power, life, fertility, growth or, in Tantra, the entire created universe. It is a recurring motif in Hindu (as well as Buddhist and Jain) literature and a lotus growing from Viṣṇu's navel is said to mark the beginning of a new cosmic creation. The elephants are symbolic of royalty and, in Hindu mythology, are also related with cloud and rain; they thus reinforce Śrī-Lakṣmī's stature as the goddess of abundance and fertility. Later Hindu iconography often represents Śrī-Lakṣmī in the form of Gaja-Lakṣmī, standing on a lotus, flanked by two elephants that are shown showering her with water with their trunks. The Śrī Sūktam assumes specific significance because of Śrī Mahālakṣmī's presence on Lord Śrī Venkaṭeśvara (at Tirumala) or Viṣṇu's chest, at the Heart. Lakṣmi is the embodiment of Love, from which devotion to God or Bhakti flows from. It is through Love/Bhakti or Lakṣmī that the Ātmā or soul is able to reach God or Viṣṇu.
Śrī or Lakṣmī is also the personification of the Spiritual energy within us and universe called Kuṇḍalinī. Also, She embodies the Spiritual World or Vaikuṇtha; the abode of Lakṣmī-Nārāyaṇa or Viṣṇu, not to be confused with Heaven, as The Heavenly Planets are still part of the Material Universe. Vaikuṇtha-Dham is purely spiritual, eternal and self illuminating. She is also supposed to have the Divine qualities of God and the soul. Lakshmi is God's superior spiritual feminine energy or the Param Prākṛti, which purifies, empowers and uplifts the individual. Hence, She is called the Goddess of Fortune.
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