Trend Investing is the process of investing into stocks, industries or markets that are expected to boom consistently in the future. At Marathon Trends our portfolio focuses on long term growth movements based on economic, industrial, social and technological forces.
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Time Codes
0:00 My 30 year Journey
0:35 Secret Sauce of Wealth Creation
1:43 Sustained Wealth Creation
2:32 Switching Themes
3:05 Finding the Trend
3:34 Ride the Trend
4:15 Exiting the Trend
5:02 Money Never Sleeps
Trend Investing - Atul Suri, Marathon Trends
Atul SuriMarathon TrendsTrend InvestingTrend Investing In Indiabest portfolio managerTrend ManagementHow to invest in the stock marketInvestment StyleStock Market Cyclesinvestment processbehavioural psychologyInvesting in Indian StocksAtul Suri PMSAtul Suri PMS PortfolioPortfolio ManagerBest Investors IndiaBest Fund ManagersInvesting Indian ExchangesLearn How To InvestBest Stock AdviceBull Market