How to set up a planted nature aquarium aquascape using an Aquascaper 900 with Twinstar LED lighting. I set up this planted tank for a client, Barry, in his home.
Tech spec
Tank - Aquascaper 900
Cabinet - Royal Oak Cabinet by Evolution Aqua
Lighting - Twinstar 900E LED, 8hrs
CO2 - 3Kg pressurised system with CO2 Art reg and solention. Aquario NEO diffuser, 3BPS
Substrate - Tropica Soil (2x 9L bags), Hugo Kamashi sand
Fertilisers - The Aquascaper Complete Liquid Plant Food, 8ml per day
Filtration - Oase Biomaster 600, glass inlet and outlet
Plants -
Staurogyne repens
Micranthemum sp. "Monte Carlo"
Bucephalandra sp.
Anubias sp.
Cryptocoryne sp.
Rotala sp. "Green"
Ludwigia palustris
Hydrocotyle vertilicallata
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HOW TO set up a planted tank nature aquarium AQUASCAPE
George FarmerPlanted AquariumPlanted TankAquascapeNature Aquariumhow to set up a planted tank aquascapehow to aquascape with java fernhow to set up a freshwater planted tank with sandhow to aquascape with rocks and woodtwinstar 900Eaquascaper 900 aquascapegeorge farmer aquascapegeorge farmer nature aquariumoase biomaster 600 planted tankhow to aquascape with anubiasco2 injection planted tankneo diffuser planted tankgeorge farmer aquascaper