Through storm water drains, into derelict buildings and down back allies . . .
I go anywhere for the best street graffiti and urban art in Brisbane city.
At great risk and expense, the graffiti artists create free public art.
sometimes the graffiti lasts days . . .
sometimes it lasts weeks . . .
overpainting is inevitable . . .
Immortalised @SkiffyFilms
Whilst exploring Brisbane city I discovered large quantities of graffiti worthy of a photo . . .
Initially I was attracted to the vibrant colors, the cool imagery, and profound words . . .
I knew nothing about graffiti styles, pieces, throws, or tags . . .
The more I understand the artform the more I appreciate the graffiti artists art.
Give the artists some feedback . . .
Put your favorite image number in the comment section . . .
This image slide video displays local graffiti art from toys, kings, and legends . . .
thanks, artists, for creating your graffiti . . .
thanks to the artist block for explaining graffiti
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#8 Sneaky street art graffiti . . . unknown artists.
skiffy filmsskiffyfilmsfilmmakerstreet artgraffitiurban artbrisbanebrisbane citysneaky street artunknown artistgraffiti examplesgraffiti stylesgraffiti tagsgraffiti legendsgraffiti toysgraffiti writergraffiti wallsgraffiti throwsgraffiti piecesgraffiti bitingstyling graffitiwild style graffitistreet graffitigraffiti culture3D graffiti shadinggraffiti artistflow graffitisneaky street art graffiti