Arduino tutorial about how to adjust a NTC temperatue sensor Ky-028 from the 37 sensor kit. Compare the value from a DS18D20 sensor with the NTC and turn the potmeter on NTC sensor.
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adjusting a w104 sensor
adjusting a arduino sensor
Arduino KY-028 Temperature sensor module. 37 sensor kit.
KY-028 Arduino NTC temperature part 3
ThermistorArduino (Brand)Sensor37 sensor kit.arduino NTC sensorNTCarduino ntc sensoradjust NTC sensorarduino adjust W104W104 potmeteradjust arduino sensoradjust potmeter sensorKY-028Ky-028ky028ky-028NTC thermistorNTC thermistor tutorialNTC arduino tutorialLogMaker360W104thermistor arduinoarduino temperature thermistortemperature NTC tutorialarduino ntcntc tutorialntc example