All right! With the Island Chart in hand, it's time to do some sea adventuring! Our hero makes it out the open sea, exploring what he can, seeing pirate ship in a whirlpool infested area and coming by an island with some funky music. But then a storm hits! Wait a minute...this ain't Link's Awakening! No it ain't, because Marin won't be a damn thief like the indigenous Tokay are!
I hate Tokays...
Items Acquired:
L-1 Wooden Sword
Seed Satchel x20
-Ember Seeds
-Mystery Seeds
L-1 Wooden Shield
L-1 Power Bracelet
Harp of Ages
-Tune of Echoes
Bombs x10
Roc Feather
Key Items:
L-1 Ring Box
-Discovery Ring (Equipped)
Graveyard Key
Zora Flippers
Cheval Rope
Island Chart
Essences of Time:
Eternal Spirit
Ancient Wood
Heart Pieces:
Ambi's Tower (Past)
Maku Path (Past)
Yoll Graveyard (Present)
Deku Forest (Past)
Bippin/Blossom Parenting:
1. Named child Link
2. Donated 1 Rupee for Link's doctor visit
Trading Sequence:
1. Ghost gives Poe Clock
2. Poe Clock given to Postman: Stationary
3. Stationary given to Toilet Hand: Stink Bag
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