Quick test flight from Fort Myers to Daytona Beach in the brand new ERJ-145 from X-Crafts!
This plane is super fun to fly, no auto-throttles and a somewhat basic autopilot and FMS means you gotta be on your toes at all times!
This plane is perfect for those looking to transition from general and corporate aviation into something bigger and faster!
Trying out some new editing styles, trying to get better with Resolve 15
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X-Crafts ERJ 145 \\ RSW-DAB \\ X-Plane 11
x-plane 11xplane11X-Plane 11XP11flight simflight simulatorEmbraerERJERJ-145ERJ145X-CraftsKRSWFort MyersDaytona BeachKDABRSWDABjungle jet145embraerembaeboeingBoeingAirbusairbusflightaviationflyingrainthunderstormtimelapseeditingsongssongfreecomputerPCxcameraX-Cameraaviatorpilotpilot jobsjobsjobairline pilotpilotoFSXFlight Simulator XSteamgaming