Teamviewer Trial Expired Fix - 100% working - Lifetime Free License
youth online tutorials
Trick 1:
download link
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login/create your account on teamviewer using gmail
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Trick 2:
This tutorial and the steps involved have been performed on number of system and have been successful always.
If you follow the instructions carefully you can be pretty sure to have positive results. In case if you are unsure in any step please acquire enough information from other sources and then only proceed further.
However you need to have your own discretion while using these steps as its your system and I cannot be held responsible for any damage to your system in any way.
One of the most common mistake people commit while installing Teamviewer on their system is that, they forget to select the option ‘For Personal Use’ and instead install with the default option ‘For Commercial Use’. As a result, teamviewer stops functioning after a couple of days from installation. Even though you are genuinely using it for personal use you’ll no longer be able to use Teamviewer.
So here’s a solution that should work for most of the people:
Step 1: Uninstall the copy of Teamviewer from your system
You can use free uninstallers or can also use Window’s default ‘Add or remove‘ program which can be found at: ‘Start’ – ‘Settings’ – ‘Control Panel’
Step 2: Removing unnecessary files of Teamviewer from the system
Click on Start – Run – type %appdata% – delete TeamViewer folder and also delete “C:\\Program Files\\Teamviewer”
Step 3: Delete registry folder
hkcu/software/teamviewer and hklm/software/teamviewer
Step 4: Change the MAC address/ Physical address/ Network address of Ethernet
a. Goto Network and Sharing Centre
b. Goto Change Adapter Settings
c. Right click on Ethernet or Local Area connection **select the first one if there are more than one** and select properties
d. Click on the Configure button
e. In the new box Goto Advanced tab
f. Here find out the field Network Address from the list
g. In the Network Address the default selection will be: Not present
h. Change it by selecting the Value option and Enter in the field any valid MAC address of any device. **MAC address is generally of the form: 3A-34-52-C4-69-B8** You need not give the dashes while you input the address in the Value field. Also, it is not case sensitive but it’s a good practice to insert it in Uppercase.
i. Click Ok and you are done with this step.
You can also refer to this link for guidance on the same:
Address: [ Ссылка ]...
Step 5: Clean your systems registry
You can use a free registry cleaner for this purpose such as CCleaner. You can download it from here: [ Ссылка ]...
I can’t be held responsible for any Trojan intrusion or faulty software….
Step 6: Reboot your PC
Step 7: Install fresh copy of TeamViewer
You can download a fresh copy from the official website:
[ Ссылка ]
I can’t be held responsible for any Trojan intrusion or faulty software….
Ensure you select the option ‘Personal Use’ ***I’m assuming that you are playing fair here !**