This video is one of a 10 part series. Visit our channel's playlist to watch the full set.
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Narrator: Nate Barber
Video slides:
How to Size Equipment to Maximize ROI
-What is a Monte Carlo simulation?
*Usually uses random numbers as opposed to deterministic algorithms
*Uses a repetition of “trials” or “missions” to predict overall production levels (On-Stream Factors)
*Mission length often the life of a facility
*Each mission:
-Calculate production level, move forward in time
-Equipment fail “randomly” according to their PDF
*Many missions needed for statistical significance
-Why perform a RAM study?
*NOT to improve reliability!
-Reliability is an input to the study, not an output
-Real output is On-Stream Factor (OSF)
*Show the value of improved reliability or capacity
-Which equipment configuration yields the highest ROI?
-Where are the equipment availability bottlenecks?
-Where are the maintenance activity bottlenecks?
*A bank financing a project requires it
-Ability to pay loan depends on ability to make products
-Why perform a RAM study?
*NOT to improve reliability!
-Reliability is an input to the study, not an output
-Real output is On-Stream Factor (OSF)
* Show the value of improved reliability or capacity
-Which equipment configuration yields the highest ROI?
-Where are the equipment availability bottlenecks?
-Where are the maintenance activity bottlenecks?
*A bank financing a project requires it
-Ability to pay loan depends on ability to make products
-How to perform a RAM study
*Collect and document assumptions in a Study Basis
-Collaborative document to gain team agreement
*Define failure logic in a RBD (ABD)
-The effect to the system if this thing goes offline
*Start developing stochastic model
-Keep it as simple as possible until simple isn’t enough
-System complexity may require Monte Carlo simulation
*Start running model according to Study Basis
-Does the model need to change to better reflect reality?
-Do assumptions need to change to better reflect reality?
*Collect and document results in a Final Report
-Available Software
*WS Atkins plc
*Opgrade tools
-Reliable Process Manager (RPM)
-Microsoft Excel custom functions
-How to perform a RAM study
*Items in parallel: Generalized Binomial Function
p = probability equipment is online =
n = number of equipment in parallel
k = number of equipment offline
*Items in series: simple product
*OSF for one item = p
*On-Stream Factor of 3 x 50% pumps =
*If MTBF is 3yrs & MTTR is 24hrs
-2 x 100% pumps, OSF = 99.99992%
-3 x 50% pumps, OSF = 99.99988%
*Difference is 22 min lost productivity every 100 years
[x] Linear Programming
Optimize profitability based on unit selection & configuration
[x] RAM Studies (Reliability, Availability, Maintainability)
Evaluate equipment bottlenecks based on reliability
[x] Dynamic Process Simulations
Evaluate pressure, temperature and flow profiles in systems
[x] Computational Fluid Dynamics
Evaluate pressure, temperature and flow profiles in equipment
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