The Erie Canal spans the entire width of New York State, from Albany, past Utica, Syracuse, and Rochester, and into Buffalo! You can bike the entire Erie Canal, thanks to the Empire State trail! This summer, my friends and I started in Albany and biked the entire thing over the course of a little over the week. We documented as much as we could, and this is the result of our journey!
Skip ahead:Skip ahead:
Intro: 00:00
History of the Erie Canal: 00:55
A gear explanation: 01:47
The Capital Region: 02:25
Stewart's Shops Interlude: 03:20
Mohawk Valley: 03:55
Utica: 05:35
Syracuse: 06:57
Rochester: 08:20
Buffalo: 10:43
Special thanks to Liam and Rory for taking this ride with me, and for Matt Jonas for driving us home!
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Biking the Erie Canal | Albany to Buffalo
Erie CanalUpstate New YorkBike tourErie Canal Bike tourBiking the Erie CanalBuffaloRochesterSyracuseALbanyAlbanyAlbany to Buffalobiking the canalerie canal bike rideerie canalerie canal bike ride buffalo to albanyerie canal bike trailerie canal historycycling the erie canalerie canalway trailerie canal heritage trailempire state trailbiking the erie canal routebicycle touringbike packing the erie canalbiking the erie canalway trail