Septentrio designs, manufactures and sells high-precision, multi-frequency, multi-constellation GPS/GNSS equipment for use in demanding applications. Septentrio products are used in a wide variety of industries including marine, construction, agriculture, logistics, machine control, rail, automotive, autonomous X, survey and mapping, geographic information systems (GIS) and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Septentrio receivers deliver consistently accurate and precise GNSS positioning scalable to centimetre-level and designed to perform solidly in the most challenging environments.
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Who is Septentrio - Short Introduction
SeptentriointroductionGNSSreceiverstechnologybest in classTVinterferenceAIM+autonomousautomotivemininguavscientificjammingreference receiverQZSSSBASGLONASSIRNSScorporate videointerference mitigationinterference monitoringspoofingautonomous XleicaubloxtopcontrimblehemispherejavadnovatelhexagonGPSBeiDouGalileoabout us&rel=0yt:cc=on