Dilip Kumar was called the King of Tragedy, Meena Kumari was called the Queen of Tragedy in Bollywood. Dilip Kumar and Meena Kumari won hearts with their performances in Hindi and urdu Films. Their films always proved to be super hit. Dilip Kumar and Meena Kumari's films Footpath, Azad, Koh-i-Noor and Yehudi wrote a new history of romance between Dilip kumar and Meena Kumari that days. Meena Kumari was called by Dilip Kumar's darling and both were good friends. This Inqalabi video tells the story of Dilip Kumar and Meena Kumari's love and affection. Meena Kumari was deprived of true feelings of love since childhood. Meena Kumari fell in love with Kamal Amrohi, Ashok Kumar, Raj Kumar, Dharmendra and the poet Gulzar in her life but they failed and suffered in love. On the other hand, Dilip Kumar was deceived in love with Madhu Bala.
#dilipkumar #Meenakumari #bollywood
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