For the past week, Good Time Charlie, along with the help of Steve Harmon from Virginia, and Garry Atkins from Oklahoma on two of those days, have been splitting our hives to prevent them from swarming.
There were several ways we went about doing our splits, and on this video I will highlight my favorite method, "whittling swarm cells." That is, using the swarm cells that are present in the hive, and adding those cells to the box that is now queen less.
I coined the phrase "whittling swarm cells" because of the method I use to detach the cell from a frame, and then using the piece of wood that the cell is attached to, embedding that and the cell into the wax that is on the frame. By the time I am finished it looks just like a superseding cell.
Then, on next weeks video I will show and talk about the other methods I use to split our hives. God's peace to all. Mr. Ed
"Whittling swarm cells." Making splits using swarm cells
'Whittling swarm cells.Makingsplitsusingswarmcells.swarm cellswarm cells in a bee hive.swarm cells vs supersedure cellsswarm cells vs emergency cellsswarm preventionqueen beesswarms of beesmethods of preventing bees from swarmingswarm control methodsswarm control splitswarm control for managed beehivesvarroa mitevarroadrone brood vs worker brooddrone broodbridge combburr combburr comb on top of framesburr comb beesbee smokers