In this video, we are going to teach you how to make a proximity sensor, this proximity sensor circuit is very simple and is made with simple electronic components, and you can make it using the bc547 transistor and infrared sensors.
Proximity or ultrasonic sensors or obstacle detection sensors have complex circuits, but in this video we are going to make one of the simplest circuits so that this proximity sensor circuit is made with simple electronic components and does not need an Arduino. And you can easily make a simple proximity sensor at home by watching this video.
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how to make proximity sensor with ir and bc547 transistor
proximity sensor
capacitive proximity sensor
inductive proximity sensor
ir sensor
infrared proximity sensor
How to make proximity sensor with transistor
ir proximity sensor
how to make proximity sensor with bc547 transistor
how to make proximity sensor with transistor
power electronics
digital electronics
electronics projects
Creative handicrafts
Creative Inventor
how to make proximity sensor with ir and bc547 transistor
how to make proximity sensor with ir and bc547 transistorproximity sensorcapacitive proximity sensorinductive proximity sensorir sensorinfrared proximity sensorHow to make proximity sensor with transistorir proximity sensorhow to make proximity sensor with bc547 transistorhow to make proximity sensor with transistorelectronicelectronicspower electronicscreativedigital electronicselectronics projectsInventorCreative handicraftsCreative Inventor