Kanyakumari is a coastal town in the state of Tamil Nadu on India's southern tip. Jutting into the Laccadive Sea, the town was known as Cape Comorin during British rule and is popular for watching sunrise and sunset over the ocean. It's also a noted pilgrimage site thanks to its Bagavathi Amman Temple, dedicated to a consort of Shiva, and its Our Lady of Ransom Church, a center of Indian Catholicism.
Kanyakumari tourist spots
kanyakumari tourist places map
vivekananda rock memorial kanyakumari
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kanyakumari beach
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our lady of ransom church kanyakumari
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kanyakumari india points of interest
vivekananda rock memorial kanyakumari
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how to reach kanyakumari
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kanyakumari sunrise
kanyakumari beach
kanyakumari map
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