In today's video I will unbox it's 27 MHz transmitter and receiver.This remote control is used in various projects, such as remote control car remote control board.The price of this board is also very low, only 150 rupees. I bought it offline. Online price is 199 rupees. I will give you the link.Our bot is 5 volt working.It consists of two boards, one is the tensor meter and the other is the receiver.It has two masses and both bores are working at 5 volts, the body has to give us five volts, I have shown everything well in the video.
Recently bought a 27MHZ transmitter and receiver? Want to learn how to use it with a remote control? Watch this video to find out how! In this tutorial, we'll show you how to use the transmitter and receiver to send and receive high-frequency signals.
If you've recently bought a 27MHZ transmitter and receiver, or just want to learn how to use it with a remote control, then watch this video! We'll show you how to use the transmitter and receiver to send and receive high-frequency signals. This video is a great way to learn more about the devices, and to get started using them in your projects!
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**Buying Link 🖇️-
Offline price 150.
Makerbazar Price 199:-[ Ссылка ]
Amazon 243 Price :-[ Ссылка ]
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