We're covering one of the all-time best fights in anime history. Hit for hit.
Songs Used:
Tiden Park / What they Say (Instrumental Version) / courtesy of www.epidemicsound.comBallpoint / The Deal / courtesy of www.epidemicsound.comBallpoint / Draft Pick / courtesy of www.epidemicsound.comBallpoint / Maximalism / courtesy of www.epidemicsound.comBLUE STEEL / AIR FORCE ONE / courtesy of www.epidemicsound.comAzucares / Donliver / courtesy of www.epidemicsound.comDamma Beatz / Outside Today / courtesy of www.epidemicsound.com
00:00 Ground Rules
01:08 Round 1
05:03 Round 2
09:45 Round 3
12:48 Round 4
14:01 Addressing Controversies
Goku and Vegeta WENT TO WAR (Fight Analysis)
Goku vs VegetaDBZ FightsFight BreakdownBest Anime FightKamehameha vs Galick GunSaiyan SagaGokuVegetaDBZDragonball ZAnime CommentaryKaio-KenBeam StruggleKaio Ken x3Anime BattleDBZ AbridgedDBZ Best FightVegeta Great ApeYajirobeKrillinPiccoloFriezaSuper SaiyanGoku turns Super SaiyanVegeta Super SaiyanVegeta beats GokuCellAndroid SagaNamekDragonball SuperVegeta Ultra EgoGoku Ultra InstinctSenzu BeansUFC