Prime Minister Narendra Modi sarted his campaign for the upcoming assembly polls at Delhi by addressing people at Ramleela Maidan. In this meeting he made big applauds to the people of Jammu Kashmir and praises Urban development minister Venkaiah Naidu.
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PM Narendra Modi speech at Ramlila Maidan in Delhi
pm modinarendra modiprime minister modibjp leadersbjp partyassembly pollsassembly polls in delhibjp campaignramleela maidanmodi in ramleela maidandevelopment of indiabjp party leadersdelhi pollsamit shahbjp president amit shahv6 newsv6 news channelv6 veluguv6 news onlinev6 news livev6 livet newst news livetelangana news channelsdelhi electionsUrban development ministerVenkaiah NaiduJammu Kashmir