There will never be a perfect time to start building my dream fish room, so I'm starting now. In this video I'll show you some recent changes to the current fish room as well as the new room I'll be renovating in an all new series of videos! Come along with me on this new and exciting journey!
My new website!
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Check out our new Amazon Storefront! Some of our favorite aquarium gear is listed under the Idea tab! [ Ссылка ]
Stay tuned for other videos featuring aquarium related content including breeding, aquascaping, DIY projects and fish room builds. I am currently in the process of breeding Philippine Blue Angelfish, celestial pearl danios, red mosaic dumbo ear half moon guppies, blue dragon indo guppies, emerald rasboras, fake juli corydoras, blue opaline gourami's, german blue rams, golden rams, boesmani rainbowfish, black Moscow guppies, full gold or 24k gold guppies, Bleheri rainbowfish and various Plecostomus.
Use the code "ANGELS" to save 20% on your first order of angelfish!
New fish coming to the website very soon!
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