A serious injury can prevent you from working. Your doctor may take you out of work completely or give you work restrictions. Does Georgia workers' compensation pay lost wages when your injury causes you to miss work? Georgia workers' compensation attorney Jason Perkins discusses the rules for disability benefits/lost wages in this episode of the Georgia Workers' Compensation Video Series.
Does Workers' Compensation Pay My Lost Wages?
wagessalarydisabilityunable to workinjuryweeklytemporary total disabilitytemporary partial disabilitywork statuswork restrictionsdisability slipchecksdoctorphysicianGeorgia State Board of Workers' Compensationemployerinsuranceadjusterattorneyworkers' compensationworkers compensationfree consultationcontingency feeGeorgiaCarrolltonAtlantaLagrangeJason PerkinsPerkins StuddardGeorgia Workers' Compensation Video Series.