e-learning course ‘Coastal and Marine Management’
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Gabriela Escobar Sanchez – Leibniz-Institute for Baltic Sea Research & Klaipeda University
This e-lecture gives an overview about currently implemented strategies to avoid, reduce and mitigate plastic pollution at the coastal zone. It highlights examples from Europe, especially in the Mediterranean and Baltic Sea. Strengths and weaknesses of each measure, considering aspects of environment, economics, policy, society and technology, are discussed
19 Plastics at Coasts and in the Sea – Solutions
coastal marine managementmarine litterplasticsmanagementtop litter itemsbeach cleaningrecyclingEPRbiodegradable plastics
e-learninge-lectureonline lectureonline learningonline courseonline educationdistance education coursedistance learningvideo lecturevideo course
IOWLeibniz-Institut für Ostseeforschung WarnemündeKlaipėdos universiteto Jūros tyrimų institutasGermanyLithuania