Boat is an Tamil drama movie directed by Chimbu Deven. The movie's star cast includes Yogi Babu, Gouri G Kishan, and MS Bhaskar in the main lead roles. The music was composed by Ghibran. The film was produced by Prabha Premkumar, Kalaivani C under the banner Chimbudeven Entertainment, Maali and Maanvi Movie Makers. Story A social satire set during pre-independence India, this film follows a diverse group stranded on a sinking boat, offering a commentary on societal issues. The story revolves around a group of ten people who escape a bombing incident by boarding a small boat. However, their journey takes an unexpected turn when the boat unexpectedly stops and starts to sink. The film then follows their struggle for survival as they face the harsh elements and their own internal conflicts. Release Theatrical release of the movie Boat happened on August 2, 2024. There has been no official announcement regarding its OTT release date or platform yet.
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