Thanks for tuning into another episode of Ryan and Bethany Board Game Reviews!
Today, we talk about the Top Ten games that we are anticipating seeing at Gen Con this year! We haven't been to Gen Con in a couple of years, so this is very exciting and there are so many great games to talk about! Let us know what games you are looking forward to seeing!
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and join in the silliness at TikTok @ryanandbethany
Thanks again, and remember to play games, live healthy, and create moments!
Our Gen Con Preview and Top 10 List!
Dice TowerThe Dice TowerBoard Game BreakfastTabletopGame nightFamily nightRyan and BethanyPounds and InchesBoard Game GeekBGGBoard GamesReviewboard gamerboard game reviewwomen in gaminghealthweight lossgamerSmirk and DaggerbooporlagSteam UpDiamond DigMaple ValleyCoral ReefMy Little PonyHamburgEquinoxClankClank CatacombsWeirdwood manorcastles by the seaburuit's a wonderful kingdomghosts love candy tooequestria